
Dunmore Reservoir #1 Nature Trail

I might have titled this “Some Trails are Better than Others” or “Some Adventures are Fun, Some Not So Much.” It all started with an intention of touring the Gertrude Hawk Candy factory. This is an open house they do once per year and they give samples and sell seconds. I knew this would be well attended but it was more like a zoo. It was much too crowded for my taste and patience. Not only that but I gave up chocolate almost a year ago and just wanted to see the machinery. I know, I am a geek. After the tour I planned on a ride.

On the way to the factory I saw a nature trail I was not familiar with. Since I have already ridden every trail I was aware of in the area, I had to investigate. The weather was nice and with the skipped tour I had plenty of time. The trail is called the Dunmore Reservoir #1 Nature Trail. It was a small reservoir and the hand painted sign did not hold much promise. I was here however. The same water company has a very nice walking trail around Lake Scranton, sadly no bikes. I found a woman walking a dog and asked if bikes were allowed. She said yes; good enough for me. There were signs about walking and no motor vehicles but no mention of bikes.

I grabbed my bike and started riding. The first couple of hundred yards had a surface of soft mulch. I shifted into lower gear and proceeded. The trail then turned to a more natural surface complete with plenty of roots and rocks. About half way around the trail crossed the small stream feeding the reservoir. There was no bridge, just stepping stones. The creek bed was much too rough for my hybrid and I suspected slippery. I carried my bike across. More rocks and roots on the other side. After barely a mile I was almost around. I understood why I had not heard of this trail.

As I approached the dam near where I started the trail passed below the dam. As the trail started down it quickly became quite steep. I applied my brakes without any slowing of the bike. Instead my bike simply became more of a sled as it slid off the loose rocks and leaves. I thought I need to get off the bike. No sooner did I think this than I found myself off the bike by way of a trip over the handlebars. Other than a scuff on my calf and a bigger scuff on my ego there was no serious damage.

Back at the car I started toward my planned ride of the day. As I was driving I was thinking that was the first spill I had on my bike as an adult, not counting a few on ice. I got home and added studded snow tires for my bike to my Christmas list.

Stepping stones to cross creek

Hand Painted Sign
Dam Outflow
Nice Picnic Spot
Leaves hiding the rocks and roots
Dunmore #1

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